
XJP-02A XJP-02B XJP-42A XJP-42B Speed digital display instrument
XJP-02A XJP-02B XJP-42A XJP-42B Speed digital display instrument
Product name:XJP-02A XJP-02B XJP-42A XJP-42B Speed digital display instrument
Manufacturer:Shanghai Tachometer Factory
Classification:XJP Speed digital display instrument > XJP Speed digital display instrument
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2021-10-29

XJP-02A XJP-02B XJP-42A XJP-42B Speed digital display instrument


XJP-02A XJP-02B XJP-42A XJP-42B Speed digital display instrument is a panel type four-digit digital display dedicated speed measuring instrument, using CNOS integrated circuit and LED digital display, has the advantages of small size, light weight, easy installation, etc.The instrument also takes corresponding measures in anti-interference performance and has the characteristics of continuous use. It is especially suitable for measuring the speed of power equipment in industrial field.

Main Specifications

XJP-02A XJP-02B  XJP-42A XJP-42B Speed digital display instrument

Measurement accuracy: 10~9999 r/min

Input signal amplitude: 300mA~10V effective value of sine wave

square wave 3~20VP-P

Sampling time: 1 second

Basic error: ±0.02% with self-calibration link

Electric source: 220±22V50±0.5Hz, power consumption≤6VA

Working conditions: ambient temperature 0~40℃, relative temperature ≤85%, no corrosive gas.

Note: Any special design or question of XJP-02A XJP-02B  XJP-42A XJP-42B Speed digital display instrument, kindly contact the manufacturer for more details.

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