
SZD-1 SZD-2 Electic tachometer
SZD-1 SZD-2 Electic tachometer
Product name:SZD-1 SZD-2 Electic tachometer
Manufacturer:Shanghai Tachometer Factory
Classification:SZD Electric tachometer > SZD Electric tachometer
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2021-09-13

SZD-1 SZD-2 Electric tachometer


SZD-1 SZD-2 Electric tachometer is mainly used to measure the speed of various engines at a long distance. Each tachogenerator can work with two indicators at the same time. The SZD-21 electric tachometer has an alarm mechanism and can alarm for overspeed.

Main Specifications

SZD-1 SZD-2 Electric tachometer

Accuracy level: 1.5

The indicator can be used normally in an environment where the ambient temperature is -20℃~+50℃ and the relative humidity is below 85%. The alarm can be used normally in an environment where the ambient temperature is 0~+50℃ and the relative temperature is below 85%.

Note: Any special design or question of SZD-1 SZD-2 Electric tachometer, kindly contact the manufacturer for more details.

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