Shanghai Far East Instrument Factory is a high-techenterprise who is focus on two-bit controller. In 1998, the company's assetsreorganization and automation instrument No.4 factory together as the ShanghaiPressure Instrument Plant (chips). Existing staff of 500 people, engineeringand technical personnel 155 people, senior engineer 10 persons, plantconstruction area of 22,000 square meters. Product registration"Far East" trademark.
Shanghai Far East Instrument Factory leading products two-bitcontroller, controlled physical parameters of pressure, differential pressure,temperature, flow, density, vibration and other. Because it has a high degreeof stability and reliability, it is widely used as automatic alarm, control,interlock protection and logic protection in industrial process automationsystem, and is used as a two-position control for controlled parameters inmatching with mechanical equipment.
Shanghai Far East Instrument Factory introduced two-type controllermanufacturing technology and key equipment from the German company (HERlON) in1985 and 1990 and has long-term cooperation agreement as joint development ofnew products. "Far East" brandtwo-bit controller has been included in the Ministry of Power Industry EquipmentCo., Ltd. recommended manufacturers inventory.
The two-bit controller of Shanghai Far East Instrument Factory is thelargest production scale, the highest market share, and the product has a widerange of applicability in power, petrochemical, metallurgical engineering has awide range of applications. In recent years, the development of new products in1996 by the State Science and Technology Commission as a national new product, in1999 was named Shanghaioutstanding new product second prize.
Express Lane
YWK Pressure controller D512 Pressure controller D505 Pressure controller D510 Pressure controller Pressure controller Temperature & pressure indicator Synchronization indicator Indicating instrumentation Three - phase power factor indicator Wide angle power meter power meter Wide angle frequency meter