
EH100-06 EH200-06 EH800-06 EH900-06 EH Automatic balance recording adjustment alarm
EH100-06 EH200-06 EH800-06 EH900-06 EH Automatic balance recording adjustment alarm
Product name:EH100-06 EH200-06 EH800-06 EH900-06 EH Automatic balance recording adjustment alarm
Manufacturer:Shanghai Dahua Instrumentation Factory
Classification:EH Automatic balance recording adjustment alarm > EH Automatic balance recording adjustment alarm
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2022-06-07

EH100-06 EH200-06 EH800-06 EH900-06 EH Automatic balance recording adjustment alarm


They would series 180 ㎜ recorder is a very reliable recorder created by using information gathered for many years and introducing the latest electronic technology and precision equipment. There are nine hundred models for selection according to various combinations. The documenting methods include solitary pen, double pencil, three pen and pen writing and line punctuation at 6 ~ twelve o'clock and twenty-four o'clock; The adjusting modes include 2-position, 3-position and PID; The alarm setting has upper restrict type; Lower restrict type; Lower and upper limit type. These combinations can offer the high-quality recorders that users are desperate to expect.

Insight signal: MV - DC3 MV or more

Thermal level of resistance - above thirty ℃ (PT100)

Level length: 180 ㎜

Indication accuracy: ± 0. 5% of input range

Indicator return difference: zero. 25 ‰ of input range

Stability time: input range moves about 2S (50Hz)

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