
YXC-150 Magnetic Electric Contact Pressure Gauge
YXC-150 Magnetic Electric Contact Pressure Gauge
Product name:YXC-150 Magnetic Electric Contact Pressure Gauge
Manufacturer:Shanghai NO.4 Automation Instrumentation Factory
Classification:Pressure gauge > Electric contact pressure gauge
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2017-5-4

Brief Description

YXC Series Magneticassistant electric contact pressure gauge is widely used in oil, chemicalindustry, metallurgy and power plant or matched with electromechanicalequipment to measure inexplosive liquid pressure. Generally speaking, thisgauge can control and send signal (alarm) automatically to the measuredpressure system when matched with corresponding electric components (like relayand contactor). This gauge has many models and types like anti-vibration type,corrosion-resistant type, both anti-vibration and corrosion-resistant type,with isolated device type, etc This gauge is with advanced design, simplestructure, complete specifications and models, stable actions and strongadaptability.

Main Technical Parameters

Types   Model   Name   Range  MPa   Accuracy   Threadsize  

Reading   Set  value  

on   Off  

General  type   YXC-100*YXC-102YXC-103   MagneticElectricContactPressureGauge   From    0~0.6 to 60;From-0.1~0.06   To  2.4   1.5   1.5   4   M20*1.5  (*G3/8”) (*G½”)    

YXC-150*YXC-153   From    0~0.1 to 60 & from-0.1~0  to 2.4  

Dedicated  type   YXCA-150   Ammonia  Pressure Gauge   From  0~0.16 to 60 & from-0.1~0.06   to2.4   2.5   2.5   4  

Anti-vibration    YXC-100-Z*YXC-102-Z  YXC-103-Z    MagneticElectricContactPressureGauge   From   0~0.6 to 60 & from-0.1~0.5     to2.4   1.5    1.5    5    

Corrosion  resistant   *YXC-100B-F*YXC-102B-F*YXC-103B-F*YXC-150B-F*YXC-152B-F   From  0~0.16 to 60 & from-0.1~0.06   to2.4   1.5   1.5   4  

Anti-vibration&  corrosion resistant   *YXC-100B-FZ*YXC-102B-FZ*YXC-152B-FZ*YXC-153B-FZ   From    0~0.6 to 60 & from-0.1~0.5     to 2.4   1.5   1.5   5  

Isolated  general Isolated corrosionresistant   YXCG-103 *YXCG-130-F   Isolated  Magnetic  ElectricContactPressureGauge   From  0~0.16 to 60 & from-0.1~0.06   to2.4   1.5   1.5   4   M42*2  (*G1¼”)  

Isolateanti-vibration   YXCG-103Z   From    0~0.6 to 60 & from-0.1~0.5     to 2.4   1.5   1.5   5  

IsolatedAnti-vibration&  corrosion resistant   *YXCG-103FZ  

Working Environment

Types   Temp  range   Relative  humidity   Working   vibrationperformance  

medium   Ambient  

General     & dedicated   -40~70℃   ≤85%   V.H.3  

Corrosion-resistant   -25~55℃   ≤90%   V.H.3  

Anti-vibration,corrosion-resistant   V.H.4  

Isolated  general   <150℃   -40~70℃   V.H.3  

Isolated  corrosion-resistant   -40~70℃  

Isolated  other type   <150℃   -25~55℃   V.H.4  

Temp influence:indicating value is not more than 0.4%10℃, set value is not more than 0.6%10℃,
(operation temp deviation :20±5℃)

Structure principle

This gauge consists ofmeasuring system, indicating device, magnetic assistant electric contactdevice, casing, adjusting device and junction box (socket) etc. Workingprinciple is that the spring end will shift under pressure of measured medium,assisted by vane, driven by wheel gear and amplified, and then the indicatingneedle fixed on the wheel gear axis will indicate the measured value on thescale plate. Meanwhile, at the moment it contacts the set needle contactor(upper limit or lower limit), the circuit of the system will be on or off tocontrol and send signal.

Note:If you have special requirement of Magnetic assistant electric contactpressure gauge,feel free to contact us.


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