
WZPM-201 Surface RTD (PT100)
WZPM-201 Surface RTD (PT100)
Product name:WZPM-201 Surface RTD (PT100)
Manufacturer:Shanghai NO.3 Automation Instrumentation Factory
Classification:RTD(PT100) > Surface RTD (PT100)
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2017-5-26

Surface RTD (PT100)

Brief Introduction

The WZPM-201 surface RTD(PT100) is made of special material and close to thermometer surface. Comparedwith the general axial RTD (PT100), it can measure temperature more accurateand rapid. It is applicable to measure bearing temperature, or surfacetemperature of other parts...

Main Tech Data
Resistance value at 0℃ (R0)
Graduation Cu50: R0=50± 0.050Ω
Graduation Cu100: R0=100± 0.10Ω
Graduation PT100: R0=100± 0.12Ω (B grade)
(R0 means Resistance value at 0℃)

Name   Range   Allowable  Difference   Type  

Cooper resistor   -50~100℃   ±  (0.30 +6.0×10 -3 t)   Cu50, or Cu100  

Platinum resistor   -100~150℃   B grade:  ± (0.3 or +0.005t)   Pt100  

Model and spec

Model   Indexing No   Range(℃)   Material of protection tube   Lead Length (mm)   Specification   PN(Mpa)   Thermal response time t0.5s  

Diameter (mm)   M  

WZCM-201   Cu50 or Cu100   -50~+100   CopperT2-Y   500  1000  1500  2000  2500   ø6   M8×0.75   Normal Pressure   <15  

WZPM-201   Pt100   -100~100   CopperT2-Y  

WZPM-201B       Ø8.7   M10×1   Normal Pressure   <10  

Note: For special requirement of the WZPM-201surface RTD (PT100), please contact the manufacturer.

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