
WRNT2-31 Bearing thermocouple
WRNT2-31 Bearing thermocouple
Product name:WRNT2-31 Bearing thermocouple
Manufacturer:Shanghai NO.3 Automation Instrumentation Factory
Classification:thermocouple > Power station dedicated thermocouple
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2017-5-22


The WRNT2-31 thermocouple is specialized in electric powerindustry. With our country, electric power industry development, various thermocoupleis applicable to power plant. Our factory to catch up with the internationalindustrial instruments level, save the country foreign exchange as well,has introduced from abroad the professional manufacturing technology andequipment, and based on original products, widely accepts the design instituteand the opinions of the power users, in accordance with JB/T9238-1999 andJB/T8622-997 standard.

Range and spec

Type   Model   Graduation   Range(℃)   Accuracy   Allowable error △t  

Nickel Chrome-Nickel Silicon   WRNT   K   0-800   I   ±1.5℃  or ±0.004∣t∣  

II   ±2.5℃  or ±0.0075∣t∣  

Nickel Chrome–Copper Nickel   WRET   E   0-600   I   ±1.5℃or  ±0.004∣t∣  

II   ±2.5℃or  ±0.0075∣t∣  

Copper-Copper Nickel   WRCT   T   -40-350   I   ±0.5℃or  ±0.004∣t∣  

II   ±1℃or  ±0.75%∣t∣  


Name   Model   Graduation   Measurerange   Protection              Tube length L  mm  

Simplex  bearing thermocouples   WRNT-31   K   0~200℃   100150200250300  

WRET-31   E  

Duplex  bearing thermocouples   WRNT2-31   K  

WRET2-31   E  

Note: Forspecial requirement of the WRNT2-31 thermocouple,please contact the manufacturer.

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