
Q96-ZCO-1 Isolated converter
Q96-ZCO-1 Isolated converter
Product name:Q96-ZCO-1 Isolated converter
Manufacturer:Shanghai Ziyi Marine Instrumentation Co. Ltd
Classification:power meter > power meter
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2018-3-29

Q96-ZCO-1 Isolated converter From Shanghai ZiYi Marine Instrument Co, Ltd

Function of the Q96-ZCO-1 Isolated converter:

Measuring three phase active power with 4--20ma DC output

Features of the Q96-ZCO-1 Isolated converter:

Withstand voltage between Vo terminals:1000V DC 0.5ma 1 Minute;

Vibration strength: 0.7g

Withstand voltage between input and shelf:1000V DC 0. 5ma 1 Minute;

load affect: <t2% 10%-100% load;

Output ripple Bandwidth 20MH) 250mvp-p

Max: source affect: <+2% low to high input

Output noise (Bandwidth 20MH) 300mvp-p

Max temperature coefficient: <+0.02% Celsius

Input voltage: +24VDC (18VDC- 36VDC

Fuse alarm: Red indicator lighting and alarming

Output voltage: +24VDC+2%;

Protections: Excellent electromagnetic shield and compatibility

Output current: 3A、5A

shortly-withstand short circuit protection,Self-recovery

Output protection: Self recovery. 120%-150% overload: Warning: wrong wiring to the power supply terminals'+"and"-"is prohibited

Environment temperature: -25℃~+55℃C;

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