
LB-250 Rotary Vane Flow Meter
LB-250 Rotary Vane Flow Meter
Product name:LB-250 Rotary Vane Flow Meter
Manufacturer:Shanghai NO.9 Automation Instrumentation Factory
Classification:Single rotor spiral flowmeter > LHS
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2018-2-1

LB Rotary Vane Flow Meter

Overview of LB-250 Rotary Vane Flow Meter

The LB-250 Rotary Vane Flow Meter is avolumetric flow meter used to measure the volume flow of the fluid in a closedpipe. The flowmeter can display cumulative traffic on site, and haslong-distance transmission interface. It can be used in conjunction with thecorresponding photoelectric pulse converter and flow integrator, and it can beremotely measured, displayed and controlled.

Characteristic of LB-250 Rotary Vane Flow Meter

1) the accuracy of measurement is high, thebasic error is generally 0.2% to 0.5%, and the special requirement is up to0.1%. The characteristics of flowmeter are generally not influenced by thefluid state, nor by the Reynolds number.

2) with the use of high viscosity fluid,the change of fluid viscosity has little effect on the indication.

3) the word wheel counter accumulates thetotal amount of fluid, without external energy, and is easy to use. Thecumulative traffic of the counter is double displayed, one of which can bereset to zero, which is convenient for users to use in the condition ofcontinuous measurement.

The flowmeter hasphotoelectric output shaft, and is matched with LPJ-12D type (or LPJ-12D/FItype) Optical-electrical Pulse Convertor produced by our company through outputshaft. It can transmit pulse signal or 4 ~ 20mA standard current signal at longdistance.
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