
CZ-634 CZ-636 Fixed magnetic speedometer
CZ-634 CZ-636 Fixed magnetic speedometer
Product name:CZ-634 CZ-636 Fixed magnetic speedometer
Manufacturer:Shanghai Tachometer Factory
Classification:CZ Fixed magnetic speedometer > CZ Fixed magnetic speedometer
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2021-10-29

CZ-634 CZ-636 Fixed magnetic speedometer


CZ-634 CZ-636 Fixed magnetic speedometer is used to measure the speed of various machinery and equipment with reverse, forward or unidirectional rotation. It is especially suitable for the speed and flow of rotating bodies such as diesel pump test benches and steam turbine generators.

Main Specifications

CZ-634 CZ-636 Fixed magnetic speedometer

Conditions of use: ambient temperature -20~50℃, relative humidity ≤85%.

Basic error: When the tachometer is at 20±2℃, the basic error is ±1.5% of the upper limit of measurement.

Temperature influence: When the temperature changes by 10°C, the additional error of the displayed value is not greater than the absolute value of the basic error limit.

Note: Any special design or question of CZ-634 CZ-636 Fixed magnetic speedometer, kindly contact the manufacturer for more details.

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