
44C5-A 59C15-A 69C7-A Rectangular DC Ammeter
44C5-A 59C15-A 69C7-A Rectangular DC Ammeter
Product name:44C5-A 59C15-A 69C7-A Rectangular DC Ammeter
Manufacturer:Shanghai Ziyi Marine Instrumentation Co. Ltd
Classification:Rectangular ammeter > Rectangular ammeter
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2021-11-09

44C5-A 59C15-A 69C7-A Rectangular DC Ammeter


44C5-A 59C15-A 69C7-A Rectangular DC Ammeter embedded and installed on ships, locomotives, power stations, mining and metallurgy, petrochemicals or other mobile power equipment to measure DC current or voltage. It can also be used as a secondary meter that converts non-electricity to electricity.

Main tech data of 44C5-A 59C15-A 69C7-A Rectangular DC Ammeter

Class 2.5, splash-proof and vibration resistant.

Ambient temperature: -25~+55℃, relative temperature: <98% RH

Measuring range: 100、150、200、300、500μA

                1、3、5、10、15、20、30、75、100 150、200、300、500mA


Note: Any special design or question of 44C5-A 59C15-A 69C7-A Rectangular DC Ammeter, kindly contact the manufacturer for more details.

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