
Many products of Shanghai Automation have completed the transfer of production license to CCC certification
Source:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd    Date:2022-05-13

The State Administration of Market Supervision issued the announcement on the implementation requirements for the transformation of explosion-proof electrical products from production license to compulsory product certification management (No. 34 in 2019), which requires that explosion-proof electrical products will be included in the CCC certification management scope from October 1, 2019. From October 1, 2020, explosion-proof electrical products without compulsory product certification certificate and compulsory certification mark shall not be delivered, sold, imported or used in other business activities. Recently, after several rounds of document review, supplementary materials and factory inspection by sitiias, relevant products of the company (electric gas valve positioner, explosion-proof electric actuator and positive pressure explosion-proof control cabinet) have obtained CCC certification. The success of transferring the production license to CCC certification has laid a solid foundation for the market expansion of the company's explosion-proof electrical products.

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