
XPZ-01 XPZ-01A XPZ-02 XPZ-03 Frequency-current converter
XPZ-01 XPZ-01A XPZ-02 XPZ-03 Frequency-current converter
Product name:XPZ-01 XPZ-01A XPZ-02 XPZ-03 Frequency-current converter
Manufacturer:Shanghai Tachometer Factory
Classification:XPZ frequency - current converter > XPZ frequency - current converter
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2021-10-29

XPZ-01 XPZ-01A XPZ-02 XPZ-03 frequency-current converter


The XPZ-01 XPZ-01A XPZ-02 XPZ-03 Frequency-current converter is a unit of the detection part of the automation instrument. It is matched with the corresponding speed sensor. It can linearly convert the pulse signal of sine wave and rectangular wave into a direct current signal (XPZ-010~10 mA, XPZ-01A4~20 mA) in order to realize the speed measurement and automatic adjustment, which are widely used in motor monitoring, speed system stability adjustment, engine speed control and so on.

Main Specifications

XPZ-01 XPZ-01A XPZ-02 XPZ-03 Frequency-current converter

Input signal: sine wave, rectangular wave

Amplitude value: 0.3~10V effective value

Frequency range: 0~50--500 Hz

0~100--1000 Hz

0~200--2000 Hz

0~300--3000 Hz

0~400--4000 Hz

0~500--5000 Hz

0~600--6000 Hz

0~1000--10000 Hz

Input impedance: ≥20KΩ

Output current: XPZ-010~10 mA.DC

XPZ-01A4~20 mA.DC

Load resistance: 0~500Ω

Basic error: ±0.5%

Working conditions: ambient temperature 0~45℃

Relative humidity: ≤85%

There should be no corrosive gas in the surrounding air

Power consumption: ≤5VA

Electricity source: 220V50 Hz

Note: Any special design or question of XPZ-01 XPZ-01A XPZ-02 XPZ-03 Frequency-current converter, kindly contact the manufacturer for more details.

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