
HEWK-01 HEWK-02 Inductive switch
HEWK-01 HEWK-02 Inductive switch
Product name:HEWK-01 HEWK-02 Inductive switch
Manufacturer:Shanghai Tachometer Factory
Classification:HEWK Inductive switch > HEWK Inductive switch
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2021-09-17

HEWK-01 HEWK-02 Inductive switch


Due to its good environmental adaptability, HEWK-01 HEWK-02 Inductive switch can measure various magnetic metal materials such as impellers, holes (or slots, screws), discs (or shafts), and lines as long as they are non-contact. Speed, it can also be used for counting and positioning. The proximity switch has the characteristics of small size, long life, large speed range, sensing distance, etc., and can be used with general secondary instruments.

Main tech data

HEWK-01 HEWK-02 Inductive switch

Action distance: 4mm

Repeat positioning accuracy: 0.02mm

Working voltage: 6~30V DC

Maximum output current: 50mA

Response time: 1.5ms

Operating frequency: 400Hz

Output form: DC three-wire system

Working temperature: -25~+70℃

Note: Any special design or question of HEWK-01 HEWK-02 Inductive switch, kindly contact the manufacturer for more details.

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