
WTYK-14 Pressure type temperature controller
WTYK-14 Pressure type temperature controller
Product name:WTYK-14 Pressure type temperature controller
Manufacturer:Shanghai Far East Instrumentation Factory
Classification:Temperature controller > Temperature controller
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2022-06-01

WTYK-14 Pressure type temperature controller

Product introduction

The WTYK-14 Pressure type temperature controller adopts a temperature sensor. It can be used for cooling water, oil and other liquid media.

Technical parameter of WTYK-14 Pressure type temperature controller

Ambient temperature: -25-55 ℃

Seismic performance: 30m/s2

Electric shock capacity: AC 220V 5A

DC 220V 2A

Installation position: it is allowed to tilt 10 ° in all directions from the vertical state

Number   Set value ℃   Switching difference   Set value error ℃   Repeatability error ℃   Maximum medium temperature ℃  

1   71   4.0~7.0   ±4.0   1.0   125℃  

2   90   2.5~5.5   ±2.0   1.0  

3   93   2.5~5.5   ±2.0   1.0  

4   113   2.0~5.5   ±3.0   1.0   135℃  

5   118   2.0~5.5   ±3.0   1.0  

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