
CPK-50 CPK-500 Differential pressure controller
CPK-50 CPK-500 Differential pressure controller
Product name:CPK-50 CPK-500 Differential pressure controller
Manufacturer:Shanghai Far East Instrumentation Factory
Classification:Pressure controller > Pressure controller
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2022-05-17

CPK-50 CPK-500 Differential pressure controller

Product introduction of CPK-50 differential pressure controller

The controller adopts diaphragm sensor, which is suitable for neutral gases such as air and gas and liquid media such as lubricating oil and light fuel oil. The differential pressure setting value of the controller is adjustable, and the adjustment range is 70 ~ 300kPa.

Features: ultra small design

technical parameter

Switching element: Omron microswitch

Ambient temperature: - 25 ~ 80 ℃

Medium temperature: 0 ~ 80 ℃

Enclosure protection grade: IP65

Repeatability error: 2%

Seismic performance: 40m / s2

Contact capacity: AC 220V 3A 500W (resistive)

Installation position: H (high pressure chamber) interface is vertically downward (15O tilt is allowed)

The switching difference is not adjustable

Product introduction of CPK-500 differential pressure controller

The controller adopts diaphragm sensor, which is suitable for neutral gases such as air and gas and liquid media such as lubricating oil and light fuel oil. The differential pressure value of the controller is adjustable, and the adjustment range is 0.012-7mpa

Main technical performance

Ambient temperature: - 25-80 ℃

Medium temperature: 0-80 ℃

Enclosure protection grade: IP65

Anti vibration performance: 10M / s2

Repeatability error: 1.5%

Contact capacity: AC 220V 6A 600W (resistive)

Installation position: H (high pressure chamber) interface is vertically downward (allowable inclination of 15 °).

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