
ZPE-2010QII ZPE-2010JII ZPE-2030QII ZPE-2031QII ZPE-2031JII Servo amplifier
ZPE-2010QII ZPE-2010JII ZPE-2030QII ZPE-2031QII ZPE-2031JII Servo amplifier
Product name:ZPE-2010QII ZPE-2010JII ZPE-2030QII ZPE-2031QII ZPE-2031JII Servo amplifier
Manufacturer:Shanghai NO.11 Automation Instrumentation Factory
Classification:Servo amplifier > ZPE
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2022-06-17

ZPE-2010QII ZPE-2010JII ZPE-2030QII ZPE-2031QII ZPE-2031JII Servo amplifier

An overview of ZPE-2010QII ZPE-2010JII ZPE-2030QII ZPE-2031QII ZPE-2031JII Servo amplifier is a series of DDZ-S products, with various Angle stroke, multi-turn singlephase electric actuator matching, widely used in industrial process control automatic regulation system.

Product parameters of ZPE-2010QII ZPE-2010JII ZPE-2030QII ZPE-2031QII ZPE-2031JII Servo amplifier

Input signal: 0-10mA DC or 4-20mA DC

Input resistance: 220 or 250 ω

Input channels: 3

Maximum output current: 5A; 10 a; 20 a

Adjustable range of dead zone: 1%~3%

Power supply voltage: AC 220V±10%; 50Hz

Use environment: temperature: 0-50℃ Humidity: ≤ 85%

Note: ZPE-2010QII ZPE-2010JII ZPE-2030QII ZPE-2031QII ZPE-2031JII Servo amplifier for special design or questions, please contact the manufacturer for more details.

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