
ZK-30 Thyristor voltage regulator
ZK-30 Thyristor voltage regulator
Product name:ZK-30 Thyristor voltage regulator
Manufacturer:Shanghai NO.6 Automation Instrumentation Factory
Classification:Thyristor voltage regulator > ZK
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2021-08-25

ZK-30 Thyristor voltage regulator


ZK-30 Thyristor voltage regulator and current (0~10mA 4~20mA) output type instrument and ≤kp-200A (three-phase 600A, three-phase thyristor component, can be used as single-phase or three-phase voltage power adjustment , So as to automatically control the furnace temperature of the resistance furnace (or induction heating furnace). Its adjustment accuracy is high and the anti-interference ability is strong. In order to adapt to the technological development and market needs, users of this series have improved products. Improvements The later ZK series meters use integrated circuits to increase the amplitude, width, and conduction angle of the trigger pulse of the meter, which improves the reliability of the meter and makes the application more extensive.

Main tech data

ZK-30 Thyristor voltage regulator

Pulse width: ZK-1, ZK-3>30itS

ZK-0, ZK-3A, ZK-3B, ZK-03A, ZK-30B>200μs

Maximum conduction angle: >150o

Zero-crossing trigger cycle: ZK-0, ZK-03: 5±2S

ZK-03A, ZK-03B, ZK-30C: 7~10±2S adjustable

Power supply voltage: 220V AC±10%

Working environment: 0~50℃, relative humidity≤85%RH, no vibration and no corrosive gas.

Note: Any special design or question of ZK-30 Thyristor voltage regulator, kindly contact the manufacturer for more details.

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