
YX-160-B Explosion-proof Electric Contact Pressure Gauge
YX-160-B Explosion-proof Electric Contact Pressure Gauge
Product name:YX-160-B Explosion-proof Electric Contact Pressure Gauge
Manufacturer:Shanghai NO.4 Automation Instrumentation Factory
Classification:Pressure gauge > Electric contact pressure gauge
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2017-5-5

Brief Description

YX-160-Bexplosion-proof electric contact pressure gauge has excellent explosion-proofperformance, thus it can avoid influence from spark or arc during normalworking process, it can not only stand explosive pressure generated by mixedexplosive gas inner the shell, but also stop the heat spreading outside, andjust spreads slowly outside along with the shell adjoining gap which will notcause explosion.


Based on elasticdeformation of detection element (bourdon tube), drive joint contact act (on oroff) through mechanical driving to control system circuit open or close,finally realize automatic control alarm and field indication.

Technical Parameter

Accuracy: 1.6
Scale: 0~0.16;0~0.25;0~0.4;0~0.6;0~1.0;0~1.6;0~2.5;0~4;0~6;0~10;0~16;0~25;0~40;0~60;-0.1~0.06;-0.1~0.15;-0.1~0.3;-0.1~0.5;-0.1~0.9;-0.1~1.5;-0.1~2.4MPa
Control mode: upper and lower limit amble switch
Max working pressure: DC220V pr AC380V
Contact power: 10VA
Working position: vertically mounting  
working environment temperature: -10~50℃,relative humidity is not more than 80%, and explosive mixture is grade IIBbelow level T4, violent pulse of working vibration and medium has no effect oncontact act.

Temperatureinfluence: indication value is not more than 0.4%/10℃, setting point is not more than 0.6%/10℃. (working temperaturedeviation 20±5℃)
Insulation strength: 50HZ sine alternating current, 200V for one minute

Explosion: typeII, grade B, level T4, shown as ExdIIBT4.

Explosion-proof adjoin face type and parameters

Shell volume  V(L)   >0.5  

Adjoin face  type    Plane     Cylinder(movable)  

Min effective  length of adjoin face Lmm   15  

Min effective  length from adjoin face to screw hole edge L1   8  

Max gas  diameter of adjoin face Wmm   0.15  

Surface  roughness of adjoin face Ra   3.2   1.6  

Explosion-proof shell and pressure system parts andmaterials

Parts    Material    Parts    Material  

Shell cover   ZL102   Thin gasket    L3  

Outlet box   (or ZL-102,ZL-101)   Joint    20  

Shaft sleeve   QAI9-2   Bourdon tube   3L53  

Watching  display   Organic glass          

Note:If you have special requirement of YX-160-B explosion-proof electriccontact pressure gauge,feel free to contact us.

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