
YB-150B Precision pressure gauge
YB-150B Precision pressure gauge
Product name:YB-150B Precision pressure gauge
Manufacturer:Shanghai NO.4 Automation Instrumentation Factory
Classification:Pressure gauge > Precision pressure gauge
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2017-5-5


Precision pressure gauge is mainly used tocheck the industrial general pressure gauge, and it can also be used forprecision measurement of copper alloy and alloy structural steel and othernon-corrosive, non-crystalline, non-solidification of the various mediapressure.

YB-150B pressure gauge has a mirror ring inthe scale line,, and with a zero device, the accuracy of 0.25 grades.

Main Specifications:

Accuracyclass: 0.4 and 0.25

Environmentalconditions: 5 ~ 40 ℃, relative humidity of not more than 80%, and the vibration andpressure fluctuations in the instrument should not affect the precise reading.

Temperature effects: The use of ambienttemperature, such as deviation from 20 ± 3 ℃ (A type) or20 ± 2 ℃ (B type), you should consider theadditional temperature error of 0.4% / 10 ℃.

Weight:1kg (A type) 1.4kg (B type)

Structural principle of YB-150B:

The meter consists of a measuring systemindicating part and a shell part. The instrument has good sealing and is equippedwith a sealing device to protect its internal measuring mechanism frommechanical damage and contamination.

The principle of the instrument is based onthe elastic element (measuring system in the spring tube) deformation. Underthe action of the pressure of the measured medium, forcing the end of thespring tube to produce a corresponding elastic deformation - displacement, bymeans of the rod by the gear drive transmission and to enlarge, fixed by thegear shaft by the pointer will be measured in the dial On the instructions.

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