
XJP-96 XJP-96T Speed digital dispaly instrument
XJP-96 XJP-96T Speed digital dispaly instrument
Product name:XJP-96 XJP-96T Speed digital dispaly instrument
Manufacturer:Shanghai Tachometer Factory
Classification:XJP Speed digital display instrument > XJP Speed digital display instrument
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2021-10-29

XJP-96 XJP-96T Speed digital display instrument


XJP-96 XJP-96T Speed digital display instrument is a new generation digital display using 89C51 single-chip microprocessor as the main chip. It has a four-digit speed display and a four-digit count display. This product can be matched with proximity switch, Hall, photoelectric, etc. The final output stage is NPN type speed sensor, used to measure speed, linear speed and angular speed, and can count at the same time. The display can be widely used in chemical, metallurgy, energy, light industry, textile, electronics, machinery, automotive and other industries.

Main tech data

XJP-96 XJP-96T Speed digital display instrument

Measuring range: 0.00l~9999. (The decimal point can be set arbitrarily)

Coefficient setting range: 0.00l~9999.

Frequency division value setting range: 1~256

Input signal range: 1 Hz~10 kHz

Input signal amplitude: square wave 4.5~12 V

Accuracy level: 0.05

Power supply: AC 220 V, 50 Hz

Normal working conditions:

Temperature: 0~40℃

Relative humidity: no more than 85%

Atmospheric pressure: 86~106KPa

Note: Any special design or question of XJP-96 XJP-96T Speed digital display instrument, kindly contact the manufacturer for more details.

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