
SZXG-10 Speed sensor
SZXG-10 Speed sensor
Product name:SZXG-10 Speed sensor
Manufacturer:Shanghai Tachometer Factory
Classification:Speed sensor > Speed sensor
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2021-10-29

SZXG-10 Speed sensor


The SZXG-10 Speed sensor is a single-head reflective photoelectric sensor for non-contact measurement. It has a built-in photoelectric converter unit, which can convert the light signal reflected by the measured object into an electrical pulse signal for use by the counter.

Main Specifications

SZXG-10 Speed sensor

Speed range: 20~100000r/mim

Detection distance: not more than 20mm

Output waveform: rectangular pulse wave

Output signal amplitude: high level>4V

              Low level <0.5V

Working conditions: ambient temperature -10 ~ +40℃

          Relative humidity≤85

Power supply: DC 12±0.5V

Note: Any special design or question of SZXG-10 Speed sensor, kindly contact the manufacturer for more details.

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