
Q96-ZCO Ammeter and voltmeter
Q96-ZCO Ammeter and voltmeter
Product name:Q96-ZCO Ammeter and voltmeter
Manufacturer:Shanghai Ziyi Marine Instrumentation Co. Ltd
Classification:Voltmeter > Voltmeter
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2018-3-22

Q96-ZCO Ammeter and voltmeter From Shanghai ZiYi Marine Instrument Co, Ltd

Function of the Q96-ZCO Ammeter and voltmeter:

Indicating input signal

Features of the Q96-ZCO Ammeter and voltmeter:

Accuracy: 1.5

Ambient temperature rang:-25°Cto+55°c

Housing protection: IP42/52

Vibration strength: 0.7g

Front panel dimension: 96x96mm

Deviation: 90 2400

Ammeter Voltmeter. AC DC

Installation: Secured by two diagonal brackets center zero scale as requester Red

Dial: Black scale on white background. Red scale mark for setting value as requested

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