
LZ-30 LZ-45 LZ-60 Fixed speed table
LZ-30 LZ-45 LZ-60 Fixed speed table
Product name:LZ-30 LZ-45 LZ-60 Fixed speed table
Manufacturer:Shanghai Tachometer Factory
Classification:LZ Fixed speed table > LZ Fixed speed table
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2021-09-07

LZ-30 LZ-45 LZ-60 Fixed speed table


According to different speed measurement ranges, LZ-30 LZ-45 LZ-60 Fixed speed table has three models and specifications which are mainly used to measure the rotational speed and linear speed of various machinery and equipment.

Main Specifications

LZ-30 LZ-45 LZ-60 Fixed speed table

Conditions of use: The tachometer works normally within the ambient temperature of -20~45℃.

Basic error: In an environment with a temperature of 20±2℃, the basic error is ±1% of the upper limit of measurement.

Temperature influence: When the temperature changes from 20±2℃ to -20~45℃, the temperature additional error of the tachometer does not exceed the absolute value of the basic error limit.

Note: Any special design or question of LZ-30 LZ-45 LZ-60 Fixed speed table, kindly contact the manufacturer for more details.

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