
0830400 D512/10D Pressure controller
0830400 D512/10D Pressure controller
Product name:0830400 D512/10D Pressure controller
Manufacturer:Shanghai Far East Instrumentation Factory
Classification:D512 Pressure controller > D512 Pressure controller
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2018-2-24

D512/10D Pressure controller

Description of 0830400 D512/10D Pressure controller:

The 0830400 D512/10D Pressure controller adopts a spring tube type sensor, which can be used in corrosive gases and liquid media. The setting value of the controller is adjustable, which the range of adjustment is 1-40Mpa.

Characteristics of 0830400 D512/10D Pressure controller:

The pressure controlrange of the controller is large;

High controlaccuracy;

Small handover;

The sensor issuitable for corrosive medium (gas or liquid).

Parameters of 0830400D512/10D Pressure controller:

Viscosity: less than400mm2/s

Switch element: microswitchgroup

Enclosure protectionlevel: IP65

Ambient temperature:-25 ~ 55 DEG C

Medium temperature:0~80 DEG C

Vibrationresistance: Max 10m/s2

Repeatability error:less than 1%

Installationlocation: arbitrary

Contact capacity:Vmax=380VAC Imax=6A resistance


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