
0819500 D520/7DD DP controller 0.05-0.6MPa
0819500 D520/7DD DP controller 0.05-0.6MPa
Product name:0819500 D520/7DD DP controller 0.05-0.6MPa
Manufacturer:Shanghai Far East Instrumentation Factory
Classification:D520 Pressure drop controller > D520 Pressure drop controller
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2018-1-29

D520/7DD DP controller

Descriptionof 0819500 D520/7DD DP controller0.05-0.6MPa:

The 0819500 D520/7DD DP controller 0.05-0.6MPausingbellows type sensor, air, gas, steam can be used as neutral gas and water, oiland coolant such as liquid medium, the controller set point adjustable,adjustable range of 0.02...... 1.6 Mpa, working pressure range 0.05...... 2.5Mpa.

Parametersof 0819500 D520/7DD DP controller0.05-0.6MPa:

Working:   <1╳10-3m2/s  

Element:   Micro Switch  

Enclosure:   IP65    

Ambient:   -30℃~+50℃  

Medium temp:   0~120℃  

Vibration:   D520/7DD:40m/s2


Repeatability:   ≤1%  

Contact :   AC220V 6A(Resistance)  

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