
0818300 D520M/7DDP Micro DP controller 0.2-2.5KPa
0818300 D520M/7DDP Micro DP controller 0.2-2.5KPa
Product name:0818300 D520M/7DDP Micro DP controller 0.2-2.5KPa
Manufacturer:Shanghai Far East Instrumentation Factory
Classification:D520 Pressure drop controller > D520 Pressure drop controller
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2018-1-24

D520M/7DDP Micro DP controller

Description of 0818300 D520M/7DDP Micro DP controller 0.2-2.5KPa:

The 0818300 D520M/7DDP Micro DP controller 0.2-2.5KPaadopts diaphragm type sensor, which can be used for neutral oil, gas medium andwater. The setting value of the controller is adjustable, and the range ofadjustment is 0.2... 25 kPa, working pressure range 0... 0.16 Mpa

Characteristic of 0818300 D520M/7DDP Micro DP controller 0.2-2.5KPa:

Three diaphragmstructure, high working pressure and steady setting value.

Parameters of 0818300 D520M/7DDP Micro DP controller 0.2-2.5KPa:

Operating viscosity:less than 1 * 10-3m2/s

Life cycle: 105cycles (AC220V, 6A, resistance)

Vibrationresistance: 10m/s2

Enclosure protectionlevel: IP54

Rated load:Vmax=380V, AC, Imax=6A (resistance)

Pmax=600V A

Ambient temperature:- 55 DEG C

Medium temperature:stable working temperature 0 ~ 90 C

Repeatability error:less than 1.5%

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