
0817607 D504/7D Pressure controller 1-25MPa
0817607 D504/7D Pressure controller 1-25MPa
Product name:0817607 D504/7D Pressure controller 1-25MPa
Manufacturer:Shanghai Far East Instrumentation Factory
Classification:D504 Pressure controller > D504 Pressure controller
Sales manufacturer:Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd
Release date:2018-2-22

D504/7D Pressure controller

Descriptionof 0817607 D504/7D Pressure controller 1-25MPa:

The 0817607 D504/7D Pressure controller 1-25MPa adopts a piston sensor with an oil outlet, which can be used in neutral hydraulic oil and other media, the controller set value adjustable, adjusting range 0.3...40Mpa.

Characteristicof 0817607 D504/7D Pressure controller 1-25MPa:

Especially for hydraulic equipment

Parametersof 0817607 D504/7D Pressurecontroller 1-25MPa:

Working:   <1×10-3m2/s  

Element:   Micro  Switch  

Enclosure:   IP65    

Ambient:   -5~40℃  

Medium  temp:   0~90℃  

Vibration:   D504/7D:40m/s2  

Repeatability:   ≤1.5%  

Contact:   AC220V6A(Resistance)  

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